

Today I am thinking about vessels…
About the idea that we are all vessels of some sort. 
About the idea that we are all carriers of a special cargo that consists of our own unique combinations of energy and spirit.
About the idea that it is through our thoughts,
our feelings, our words, our passions, and our own unique talents
that we knowingly and unknowingly transport our precious cargo. 

Thinking of myself as this vessel,
I find myself asking the following questions…

Have I consciously chosen the
cargo that I am sending out into our world today?
Have I taken a recent inventory and do I have any stowaway containers-containers that might include fear, arrogance and disconnectedness? 
Have I fully discarded expired emotions and beliefs that are no longer serving me nor the world around me?
Is my vessel loaded with egotistic wants and ideas,
or did I unite with pure positive energy and consciously choose my cargo? 

Today, I am reminded that I am in the energetic shipping business,
and I need to be aware of my cargo!