To Know…

How do we really come TO KNOW…
Do we Read???
Do we Listen ???
Do we Experience???
Do we ask someone else???

Is it possible to ever really know???
Is our knowledge only a perception from our own vantage point
or a perception that is told to us by a trusted other. 
Thus, do we allow others to dictate to us what we KNOW? 

And what about those individuals who have a different vantage point?
Are we right and they are wrong?  
Should we condemn, scorn and judge them?
Or, are they right and we are wrong?

Philosophers have long debated “how we come to know.”
From Descartes, to Locke, to Kant, the relationship between knowledge, perception and experience has always remained in question. Many of these great minds have argued that there is nothing that we can ever really know. 

During this time in history, when our ideas on many subjects seem to be polarized,
I find this to be a great time to reflect on “how we come to know.”
For without a strong commitment to an epistemic process, what we consider to be justified truths may be merely individual or popularized perspectives.

Throughout history, both time and philosophers have taught us,
that what we “know” or believe to be true,
is often negated or viewed differently when one acquires hindsight.