The Season of Gratitude…

The Christmas Season has often been referred to as “The Season of Joy!” During this time of year we can find many of our Christmas cards, carols, and greetings referencing the arrival of this very distinct emotion of happiness. Starting on Black Friday, I felt the advertising world pressuring me to move from the Gratitude and Remembrance that I associate with November, to the consumer driven gift giving that has come to take over Christmas Season.  

For me, the depth of my life resisted this movement, and I started to focus on the works, writings, and life of Brother David Steindl-Rast, an Austrian-American Benedictine Monk. Known as the “Grandfather of Gratitude,” Brother David has become my personal source of inspiration. His TED talk on Gratitude has been viewed over 10 million times and he has inspired countless leaders around the world. He is the founder of which created the video ‘A Grateful Day’.

When I watched ‘A Grateful Day’ (click below and hit the play button on the site), I was reminded that during the coming Season of Joy and Giving, the greatest gift that I can give is the Joy that comes from rooting my life in Gratitude. Even in the Christian celebration of Christmas, I find that I can only be truly Joyful for Christ’s Birth, if I have gratitude for His Coming!

In closing, I hope that you enjoy ‘A Grateful Day’ and join me in continuing the “Season of Gratitude!”

‘A Grateful Day’ with Brother David Steindl-Rast –