The File…

For many of us, accessing our Unconditional Happiness (UH) is like having an UH file sitting in an old email that has never been opened. It exists, and it is there, however without opening the email we cannot access it.  

Day after day we busy ourselves with various pursuits of conditional happiness. Hours turn into years, and our lives become stories of this endless quest.  We follow the incentive of the advertisers as our world seems to be in the constant pursuit of bigger, better, new and more. Meanwhile, our instinctive desire for Unconditional Happiness remains buried under the blankets of both busyness and cultural belonging. 

Then one day an insurmountable crisis arrives. Suddenly our minds, our monies, and even our relationships are not enough to make us feel better.  All of our conditional happiness loses its luster. In our desperation, the deepest part of us remembers that somewhere we have an Unconditional Happiness File!

We go back to our computer and search for the file. Now we need a password. Our memory recalls that the password “God” could once be used to access anything, but we are torn, as use of this password has recently been challenged. Knowing that we are desperate, we entered it anyway.  
Bingo, we were in!

 The UH File was opened, and the rest of the story is up to you. 

As for me, I will end this Muse by expressing my personal gratitude for EVERYTHING, especially for those undesirable situations that overwhelm us with pain, sorrow and sadness.  For I find that it is during these difficult and trying times when I am most likely to follow the path of Unconditional Happiness.  Peace…