
I love sunflowers.
I love everything about them.
I love their delicious seeds, their nutritious sprouts,
their smiling faces and the lessons that they impart. 

When sunflowers are young, they move their heads to follow the path of the sun.
Their guidance system knows that the sun is their primary source of all of their nourishment. As a result of this movement, young sunflower plants absorb a tremendous amount of nutrients that help them to grow into towering super stars. 

For me,
Love nourishes my spirit the way that sunlight nourishes the sunflower.  
When I focus daily on following the path of pure unconditional Love,
my entire being is enriched.

I think that the sunflower would agree with the words of Gary Zucav,
“Eventually you will come to understand
that Love heals everything and Love is all that there is.”