
This week marks the seventh week since my surgery.
My ability to stand and walk may be slow in coming, however this has not in anyway diminished my ability to experience all of the things that really matter in life! 
Love, Laughter, Joy and Beauty are all accessible without walking or standing.
Also, Oneness with God and Nature does not require any special handicapped access. The same is true for my love of family and the riches of so many amazing friendships. 

My lesson this week is that anything of true value can be experienced from a wheelchair, and the access key is stillness rather than mobility!  Quite frankly, during this time when I am not able to walk, I find it easier now to spend my time with the important
“matters of the heart.” I also recognize that physical stillness is a gift, as it often prevents me from chasing things of lessor value. As always, there are profound lessons that we can unearth from every experience and the lesson of STILLNESS
is what life seems to be handing me.

In my stillness, the following message has been loud and clear:
“At the end of the day, all that really matters is Gratitude.
It is not the amount that we have, do or see that determines our Joy and Happiness,
but rather the amount of  gratitude we have for whatever is currently in our life.