Spring…A Season for Renewal

A flower bursts from the bud, 
A butterfly works its way out of the cocoon…
A daffodil forces its way up through the ground…
Lambs, calves, and white tail deer give birth…
Bears come out from hibernation…
And the list of seasonal changes goes on and on.
The season is Spring.
It is Mother Nature’s time to teach us her many ways of renewing life. 

During this month I find myself reflecting on the many forms and dimensions of life; the physical and the nonphysical,
the micro and the macro.
I am focusing on the idea that most all of life seems to have a way of renewing itself. A Divine Gift of sorts, which allows life to keep renewing and refreshing itself. A Gift, which if suspended, would bring us to the end of life as we know it. 

Thinking about this calls to my mind the magnificence of Creation
and the incredible perfection with which life is created.
And so with sincere gratitude, I celebrate not just the beauty of Spring,
but rather all of the incredible Mysteries
that accompany this Magical renewal of Life.