…Letting Go…
Last week I was awed while watching the leaves fall. It was a brilliant autumn day and the wind was quietly blowing. As the leaves were being released from their branches they seemed to slip away while dancing with the gentle movement of the breeze. There was no drama, there were no tears, they simply drifted to the ground leaving me awed by the grace and beauty with which they accepted their inevitable destiny. If they were human, I would say that they were living in the moment! They were free to enjoy their dance as they had total Faith that their purpose was to let go. I immediately had flashbacks of myself and my human experience with this same process. I thought about how difficult it sometimes is to say goodbye to people, places, and situations. I thought about how challenging some of my transitions are and how some of my attachments often get in the way of enjoying the moment. As I continued my walk, I contemplated more on autumn, the trees, and the lessons of gracefully letting go. Like many profound lessons, nature is often our best teacher!

Much Love…
Jane Olivia sent me the link to you writings each day! How hopeful they were and how lovely you write! Thanks. Al