Man Medicine…

Pictured above are the screws and plate that were removed from my right leg last month. (FYI, the glasses were not removed but only there for a reference point!) When I shared this pic with a friend, she commented
“This is Man Medicine, I feel that women could come up with something gentler.”
And these few words set my mind in motion. 

According to various sources men make up between 92-95% of the orthopedic surgeons. No wonder the above screws look like they came right out of a carpenter’s tool box!
And what about other male dominated professions, do men not just pull their attitudes and solutions out of their male tool box? I cite this not to place blame, but to bring light to the creative changes that could happen in our world when women bring their feminine roots, skill sets and intuitions into the male dominated professions.

Some say that nothing is truly original.
We all build on prior knowledge from the past.
If this is true, I can’t help but wonder what a hundred years from now could look like if men and women combined the best of their age old knowledge, skills, and wisdom as they retool the orthopedic world. Would knitting or crocheting shattered bones with high tech dissolvable threads become an orthopedic option? And in the world of politics and world affairs, would we have more “time outs” and win/win settlements, versus one sided treaties, judgments, fighting and name calling that only lead to resentment and retaliation. Who knows, but I can always dream of a kinder, gentler way of doing things. Until then, I remain grateful for what is, and for all of the doctors that do their best. 

P.S. I am doing great!
Removing the hardware made an incalculable difference on all levels.
During the first night after the surgery I felt every cell in my body celebrating.
It was their version of New Years!