Freedom, Opportunity, and Dreams…

As a follow up to last week’s Opportunity & Dreams, I can’t help but reflect on the story of my paternal grandparents. They and their 5 children immigrated to the USA in 1912. 
They left behind a Guest House, a horse livery, and their quiet life in the mountains, and ventured onto these strange and unknown shores. They, like many others who chose to  journey to this great land, came for but one reason…FREEDOM.
Freedom to live, dream and worship according to what they believed to be true.

It is their story, and their dreams, that taught me to dream.
It is their story that preached to me the idea that the most perfect opportunities are made, not given. And it is their story that taught me that nothing is more sacred to the human experience than to have the freedom to live out one’s dreams.

During this 4th of July week when our Great Nation celebrated her Independence,
my heart is filled with gratitude for this gift of freedom.
May God continue to Bless America and may America continue to Bless God!