Filling my boat with love…
My soul longs to fill my boat with love…
Time and experiences have taught me that the pleasurable, ecstatic,
and even the “important” things of this life
will eventually leave my soul feeling empty.
I now know that it is Love in its purest,
unconditional form that I seek first and foremost.
It is the sweet taste of loving oneness that I most desire.
My search has led me to welcome my own version of the simple life-
a life that leaves behind the ideas of changing things,
changing others and changing the world.
I now know that it is no longer worth my time to pursue the world’s values.
Rather, I simply choose to pour Love into each & every moment of my life…
to choose to embrace each person,
each place & each creature with the best love that I can give.
For me, I dream to live a life that is fully alive,
and having Love at the center of each moment
is the only way that I can fulfill that dream.
And so to you my empty experiences of worldly treasures and values,
I send my thanks for our time together,
and for the lesson of emptiness that seeking you has taught me.
For without experiencing the short lived joy of worldly goals,
I might never have sought to fill my boat with love!