I used to underrate Daydreaming, but now I sing its praises!
This total downshifting of activity in the human psyche has been studied and defined many times throughout the years. Wikipedia tells us that “Daydreaming is the stream of consciousness that detaches from the current external tasks when attention drifts to a more personal and internal direction”.
Then the Cambridge dictionary informs us that it is “a series of pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing
or something you would like to achieve in the future”.
According to the American Psychological Association, “Daydreaming is a waking fantasy, or reverie, in which wishes, expectations,
and other potentialities are played out in the imagination.”
Regardless of how you define it, Daydreams are a very important part of life.
Some say that they are the mind’s incubators, as they can give birth to a new idea, adventure or invention. For me, right now, they are my refuge, as they free me from a recent runaway to do list.
Daydreaming is often its own reward.
It is a magical gateway that calls me away from the mundane details of life.
It is a time when I set my consciousness free to drift and explore.
After years of over valuing the “doing aspect of life”, I am now enjoying the return to my personal incubator of life!
And just in case you do not believe in its importance, just Google “the benefits of Daydreaming” and then maybe you will join me in this delightful activity.