Breaking Bread…
If we eat alone, we do not need to break
the bread because we keep the whole loaf to ourselves.
It is only when we eat with others that we create the opportunity to share in the
joys that come from the breaking of bread.
If we live only for ourselves, we do not learn what it means to be “broken” for others.
It is only when we give up our lives for others that we start to experience
the rewards of being “broken”.
Today, I am contemplating on brokenness.
I am reflecting on the idea that the bread must be broken in order to be shared.
I take this time to thank my dear friend who baked this beautiful loaf
and for the memorable evening when we blessed it, broke it,
and then shared it with one another around our simple table.
Today, most of the Christian world is honoring Christ’s Last Supper,
His last Passover Meal with His Apostles.
For me, it is a great time to reflect on
His words from that evening,
“This is my Body, broken for you!”