One Moment In Time…

Did you ever wish for that one moment in time when your felt fully alive. 
A moment when your essence was exuberant,
and the core of your being felt connected to the core of life.
A moment when you felt oneness with the very breath of life?

Did you ever want for a moment in time when you were surrounded, embraced, and connected with pure unconditional Love? A Love that was so powerful that everything around you was transformed into beauty and bliss?

Did you ever want for that moment in time
when all of the wisdom of the Universe was yours for just the asking?
When an inspired solution appeared for every need, want and problem?

Did you ever ask yourself why we do not make NOW “this moment in time?’
Why do we not put aside our fears, anger, resentments, and coveted desires,
and allow this to be “that moment in time!”
Why we do not humble our minds to The Great Power that controls ALL of the movements in the Universe, and allow our Oneness with God to bring about that moment?

Why do we give our Power to the limitations of our minds,
when we live in a Universe that appears to be unlimited? 

For me, taking the time to ask such questions is always the first step to finding answers!