My “Happy Place”…

Most of us have or wish we had, a “Happy Place”! 
That special place where we can always count on feeling fully alive!  A place, that every time we even think about it, we are filled with Joy, Love and Connectedness. It is a place where our troubles melt away, and we are left with thoughts of beauty, wonder and bliss.  

My question is, does my “Happy Place” really exist? Is it a real place that reflects my version of Paradise? OR, is it a state of mind where I am free of all fears, judgements, and expectations. A state of being where I can access all of the joy and wonder in any given moment in time. 

For me, just asking this question has helped me to more fully understand my personal meaning of my “Happy Place”. I have discovered that it is not just in one particular locale. Rather, it is a place in my heart that knows no physical boundaries. It can be near the mountains or near the sea. It can be in my neighborhood or out in the wilderness. It is that moment in time and space where I am fully connected to the people that I am with and to the Nature that surrounds me. It is wherever I am, when I am One with all that is!