Wonder and Awe…

Today I choose to see and honor the magnificence of Creation.

I will open my eyes to the amazing harmony of the many systems that keep our Universe intact. I will look with Awe at the perfect synchronicity of the movement of the sun, the moons, the stars and the planets. I will observe with Wonder the many systems that work in perfect harmony to allow for life on our glorious planet. Mostly however, I will look with gratitude at the amazing world we live in.

Today I will turn away from all that is wrong in this world and see the magic of all that is right in our great Universe! I will take the time to have both honor and gratitude for the magnificence of its Creation. From the life on the Earth, to the life in the Seas, to the the life in the Skies; each and every Life form is a creation of magnificent beauty,
wonder and awe.

Today I choose to take off my blinders of darkness and see all that is magnificent and right in our world. Today I will spend time recognizing and sharing the magnificence of creation, and absorb myself in a sense of wonder and awe!