The Maple Tree…My Friend and Teacher!

I love fall and love fall in Maine. At the end of my street I have the pleasure of daily passing this glorious sugar Maple. Yesterday I stopped and expressed my gratitude. I was filled with appreciation for the pleasure  that she brings.  I was grateful for her glorious colors and that she was a Sugar Maple! I was humbled to think about how amazing the gifts  of creation are! How beautiful everything is when it “is what it is!” How blessed we are that the rest of nature does not have an ego… a devise that would encourage it pretend to be something other than its true self just to fit in or be popular. Can you imagine the chaos if a maple struggled to be like an oak tree just because the oak trees were taller!… or a daisy was jealous of the rose just because the rose was more popular at Valentine’s Day! 

So today I thank the creator for creating the incredibly magnificent natural world that “is what it is!” Where everything is glorious in it’s own way! Where every plant, tree and flower offers it’s own unique and beautiful identity. Can you imagine how amazing  the human “garden” would be if we learned this  lesson and we were as comfortable in our own skin as the Sugar Maple!

1 thought on “The Maple Tree…My Friend and Teacher!

  1. Francesca says:

    Let’s keep the hope the human being will be able to learn from the past lessons and become a better being!
    I love the greatness of Nature: colors, silence, power, energy in every season and weather.

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