Mountain Meditation…

Mountain Meditation… 

When I enter the majestic landscape of glaciated mountains, my mind empties, it effortlessly becomes still. The two “A’s,” amazement and awe, fill my whole being as my eyes scan the vastness of the horizon. A child-like sense of wonder soon fills my heart, as I sit in the arms of our Mother Earth. Deep feelings of respect arises from my being, as I sit in reverence of her magnificent creation. 

There are plenty of times when I cannot go to these mountains in person, and then I use pictures and memories to enter into this space. A space where in the magic of stillness,
I can hear the deep wisdom of my soul. 

Others have described a similar experience when they are near the sea, looking up into the night sky, or working in their gardens. The specifics of where or how we find our special places do not matter. What is most important however, is that we take the time to enter into our own Magical place. A place where our minds find rest, and our spirits overflow in wisdom and awe. A place where we humbly sit, and take time to honor the glory and majesty of creation.