3 Questions…

3 Questions to choose from each morning…

1)… What can I do today to enhance PEACE in the world?
2)…What can I do today to enhance LOVE in the world?
3)…What can I do today to enhance  BEAUTY and JOY in this world?

Just a reminder that if we are to have more peace, love, beauty and joy in the world, it cannot be dictated from politics, business or even the pulpit. Rather, it must begin with how we handle our own thoughts at the beginning and end of each day. I sincerely believe that this is the only way to make real changes in the world.  It begins with each of us changing our own hearts, minds, and spirits. I know that this is not a new idea, however, some truths I need to keep reminding myself about each and every day.

Wishing you much Joy, Love, and Happiness as you seek and find your own  answers to these 3 questions.